Sindhudurg Zilla Krishi Pratishthan (SZKP)
Sindhudurg Zillah Krishi Pratishthan is a reputed non government organization established by Brig. Sudhir Sawant in Sindhudurg district Maharashtra to promote sustainable livelihood in rural areas. The SZKP has evolved innovative models of micro enterprises to ensure development through dairy, goat production, agri – horti – forestry and sustainable agricultural production for food security and poverty alleviation, formation of self help groups, empowerment women and environmental sustainability come across all these programmers.
The vision of the SZKP is to build a self reliant rural agricultural society assured of food security. Good health and lean environment. SZKP mission is to create opportunities of gainful self- employment for the rural families, ensuring sustainable livelihood, enriched environment, improved quality of life and good human values. This is being achieved through development research, education, effective use of local resources, extension of appropriate technologies and up gradation of skills and capabilities with community participation.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra has been established by SZKP under the sponsorship of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi was a major mandate of Technology Assessment and demonstration for its application and capacity Development. KVK, as a frontline extension model at district level, has showcased frontier technologies, develop the capacity of different stakeholders, front runners in technology application. KVK has shown its visibility and presence in the Sindhudurg district. KVK is implementing several special programs launched through central and state governments. Cluster frontline demonstrations, climate resilient technologies, quality seed and planting materials production, farmer centric approach, nutria-sensitive agriculture, attracting and retaining youth in agriculture, post harvest processing and value addition, skill development, organizing farmers, identifying farm innovations etc. are being given major focus. Doubling farmers’ income through district specific strategy is taken on priority. Linkage and conveyance with concerned departments is also strengthened. A large number of extension activities are being organized by KVK in the district. KVK is actively involved in production of quality seeds, planting materials, livestock, bio-products and supplying them to the needy farmers.